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N-D 1000yd BR report

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:27 pm
by dg
The first 1000yd BR match of the year saw 16 keen and highly motivated competitors attempt to analyse and interpret some very light, inviting and switching conditions.

Detailed results are posted in the Competition Portal

Thankyou to Peter Kay Gunsmithing (Dubbo) for his sponsorship and to all attending competitors for the patronage, assistance and support they continually provide :D :D

The 1st ExtraVision International 1000yd BR Postal match results for 2012 will be posted in the next day or so.

dave g

Re: N-D 1000yd BR report

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:10 pm
by albow
Well done on another great field of shooters Dave with some nice groups and scores.

Re: N-D 1000yd BR report

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:56 pm
by Tony Z
Yes ditto what Al said Dave. Some good scores and groups turning up, but obviously a treacherous day with some DNFs there also.

Good shooting guys.

Re: N-D 1000yd BR report

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:01 am
by dg
tony & alan

well done to all who participated in townsville. as usual, some very impressive results were attained.

our conditions, were the best we have so far experienced at N-D.

the diagonal pulsating breezes, at times made things look much better than what they were.

the 308 shooters ( with their much greater wind drift allowances), all did extremely well in the challenging conditions at hand.

as you both know, an approx 2.5 knot wind misread with a 308, will result in shots off paper at 1000yds.

dave g

Re: N-D 1000yd BR report

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:42 am
by jacksaligari
Yah well done guys and a great turn out