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Glen Innes six club shoot.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:47 pm
by native hunter
G"Day All,
Just home from the last shoot of the six club IRB shoots and I must say what a turnout, 53 shooters attended, it was well run and the tucker was excellent.!!
The clubs up here are doing something right to get that amoun t of shooters to a club level shoot from many different clubs.
The shooting was one of those days where if you didnt pay close attention to wind direction changes you were left scratchin ya head and 2-3 points down.
The win went to John radford who has been in good form of late with Mitch Tallar hot on his heels in second and then me a good margin behind them in third.
These club shoots are a very good training session and would benefit anyone wanting to get the feel for a bigger shoot.
Thumbs up to the Glen Innes club for a great day.!!!