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Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:20 pm
by albow
Hi All
Just a reminder that the Townsville Ironman weekend is on in just two weeks time from the 22nd to the 25th of April
Friday will be practice at all ranges.
Saturday will be 500m Fly
Sunday will be 550yd BR
Monday will be 1000yd BR
Camping is available at the range along with billeting out if you don't camp.
Are there any out of town shooters from the far south planning on coming up?
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:34 pm
by petevm
This same Easter weekend we wll be hosting the bench rest nationals, so there is little chance of southern involvement of any consequence as so many competitors shoot both disciplines. I am surprised to note that you have a match scheduled for Easter Monday as this is also ANZAC day (the holiest day in this country) -we traditionally close our range till midday as a mark of respect.
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:36 pm
by justjeff
Hi Pete,
While I agree with regarding Anzac Day, we will be starting that day after lunch last I heard. You need to be aware that we have little control over the days assigned to us for the long range events. We either take what's on offer or don't shoot.
On a different note, are you importing J4 jackets from the US?
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:23 am
by petevm
Hi Jeff,
Good to see you will be starting after midday on Anzac day !!
As for J-4 jackets - I am not currently importing from Berger. When I was, I brought in some jackets as a service more than anthing else, since there was very little margin in it. Seems the current Berger importers are not interested in bringing them in so most guys seem to be buying from Bob White in USA. I know that Shooter's Warehouse in Canberra is bringing in a fair amount of Berger product from Midway - maybe they can help.
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:59 am
by a.JR
Hi All ,Welcolme to Townsville's Biggest event of the year, 3 days of competition at one of Australia's Best and Easiest Long Range venues ,500Met Fly/ 550 yd Benchrest and 1000yd Benchrest .. Entry for the 3 days is a total of $45 ...Great prizes in cash and contingency's ,great weather and the tuition is free( time prematch for sight in at each distance) .. Weather prediction is 19 to 28 deg ,wind from the south east steady at 3 to 5 mph for all 3 days , very little mirage except for Sunday about 4.30 pm...JR..Jeff free camping and all day friday is set aside for sight in and testing
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:07 pm
by a.JR
Late news , Sponsor has been found for the 550yd Benchrest event in Townsville at Easter.. Extravison/ VORTEX in Brisbane has come on board With a set Of top line Vortex Binoculars has a draw prize for all entrants in this Sundays 550 Match in both Light &Heavy.. Again Vortex has come to the party with prizes to support Long Range benchrest in Australia, great stuff.. Many Thanks To Extravision..JR..Jeff Rogers
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:45 pm
by justjeff
You got it all right except the mirage, saw a little of that today when a cow went past.
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:16 pm
by albow
Today was day one for the Ironman with the Fly being shot.
Very well done to John McQuire for winning the fly and shooting very well in some tricky conditions for a final score of 242.3, small group was 1.444" and high score 56 by Tony Z.
Full results posted in the results section.
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:11 pm
by albow
Well over the past two days we have completed the Ironman weekend in Townsville. Conditions over the past two days have been the typical trying conditions of switching breezes and a good dose of mirage that keeps everyone on their toes.
Sunday saw us shoot 550yd BR.
In HG Jeff Rogers won with a score of 206 and Jeff Harrison won the group agg with 2.636"
LG saw Eric Gustavson giving everyone a lesson on the day with him winning the LG category for both group and score. Eric shot a group agg of 2.619" and a score of 211 which was a new range record - very well done Eric.
Today saw us shoot the 1000yd event.
In HG Jeff Harrison won for score on 177 and Jeff Rogers won for group agg with 9.693"
LG again saw Eric Gustavson have a win with the group agg for a 5.604" agg which included yet another sub 4" group. Score win went to Bill Checkley with 88 which is a great result considering the conditions.
The overall Ironman winners for LG and HG to round out the weekend went to Eric Gustavson and Jeff Rogers respectively. Well done gents and very well shot across all aspects for the weekend to take the wins.
Full results are in the competition results section.
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:04 am
by john mc
Hi Alan I would like to thank all the Townsville crew and their sponsors for the great Iron Man Shoot of 2011 I am sure that any one who shot in it will want to return next year
even your weather played the game with no rain very little wind and only a bit of mirage to keep everyone on their toes
Great shoot i will return next year
john mc

Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:06 am
by a.JR
Great weekend, Thanks to Halls Firearms and to Extravision/Vortex for the sponsor support and thanks to Albow and the rest of the helpers.. Super conditions for all 4 days ,Friday's all day practice gave everyone a good look at what to expect for the 3 days ahead .. With everyone still smiling yesterday afternoon we all came out winners..See ya next year..JR..Jeff Rogers
Re: Townsville Ironman Weekend
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:31 pm
by dg
another successfull weekend of LRBR in townsville, topped off with a well deserved


congratulations Eric!!!
dave g