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Barrel Vibration Tests!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:44 am
by a.JR
Hi All ,Have been contacted by a boffin in a lab coat that does vibrational anaylisis in the mining industry to test the vibrational changes in my Heavy Gun Barrel.. He has read Vaughn's book and his interest has been peaked because i run a Tension barrel ..Don't have a clue where this will take us (TZ is in on it ,thank god as i'm stumped at words bigger than Vegemite),He has flash sensors that can give 3 axis readings (X,Y,Z)..I'm not to keen to fire a big bunch of shots out of the Broughton as it's doing a far share of winning at present and i don't want to wear it out , but i would like to simulate a match with it hooked up to all the gismos..Just thought some might be interested..JR..Jeff Rogers

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:51 am
by kjd
G'day AJR,

Just a question,

if there are sensors hooked onto it adding weight and what not wont it change the barrel harmonics and give inaccurate readings???


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:48 pm
by a.JR
Hi K, Being not very well schooled i have tended to attack development from a purely practical prospective.. Not having even a 10 grade certificate did not stop me from building some of the fastest race cars in the country when that was my interest and it won't stop me from shootin either .. I have no way of knowing what will happen if you hang stuff off my barrel .. Because i have already altered the harmonics with the tension tube and if i get my way it will tested in a match so i'll know if in fact it turns the whole thing sour.. The gun will already hold the vertical dispersion to less than an inch at 600yds if the weather gives me a break ,so i don't hold much prospect of an improvement but we might find something out for other guns to be built in the future ..JR..Jeff Rogers
kjd wrote:G'day AJR,

Just a question,

if there are sensors hooked onto it adding weight and what not wont it change the barrel harmonics and give inaccurate readings???

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:15 am
by Blackpete
Hi Jr,
I'm more than happy to offer my gun for testing as a non tensioned barrel if you want it. Like you I feel it would be great if we could do it at a match, but either way it would be interesting to see what is happening when you pull the trigger. 8)


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:30 am
by shane
Will be interesting to see the results JR.

I think using Pete's rifle would be a good conparasion, i asume it is a full floating barrel.

Would be good to test a barrel blocked rifle as well if the chance arose.