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BRIS 1000yd In May!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:44 am
by a.JR
Hi All ,There will be at least 2 shooters from the north going to Brisvegas for the May 27th 1000yd bench shoot now .. I talked Bob L into going ,so now we will have a 4 inch light gun as well as a 4in Heavy..The powers that be down there are allowing us to shoot the original blind format and keep our targets ..We have to supply those said targets mind you ,but that doesn't matter ..We also have to modify the target frames to suit removal as they just patch out the existing target all the time .. Apperently they like to stick the wood dowles with the spotting discs back in the holes again and put the frame back up so the shooter can see in the scope what his results are like after they measure/score and then patch it clean... I have convinced them that it would be a no no to stick a dowel in the bullet holes for me and bob..I'm quite used to waiting till the end of the match to find out if i "done good or bad".. I think they are missing out in spades by not taking the unaltered targets home with them ,i find the post mortem on the target after returning home ,thinking bout what conditions you were offered and anyalising the target (while supping on a 12 year old scotch ,i might add)is invaluable to getting on top of this game .. I don't expect to do real good 1st time on a new range ,just hope not to Fu.. it up..JR..Jeff Rogers

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:56 pm
by Blackpete
Jr are you and Bob driving down together.