National F Class Champs at Belmont, Brisbane 12-14th Oct

Benchrest, F-class, Metallic Silhouette, Handgun Shooting and anything other form of target shooting!
Tony Z
.270 Winchester
Posts: 1366
Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:29 pm

Re: National F Class Champs at Belmont, Brisbane 12-14th Oct

Post by Tony Z »

Rod, i gave up trying to get Marty to come down a while back. If he and Dave came down together that could be a better chance. Trev and Bill have been down a couple of times this year where Trev has really given the boys a towelling with that 6 BR.
Tell Dave he is welcome down anytime and that he can catch both shoots. Whenever our matches are on, the FClass and TR boys shoot the crap in the early morning, finishing a bit after 10 AM since they moved to the electronic targets. Then when everything turns perfect and with the mirage completely gone by around 1.00 PM, we shoot. Finish about 4 PM, pick up the wind flag if its out, and head off for a drink in the clubhouse and measure the groups etc. Great day in paradise as you well know :mrgreen: .
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