Ned! You never told me that fly shooting is a 'team sport'?
If you needed help with spotting, you should have asked!
If you want to go on the practice day on the 19th, give me a call! Have the spotting scope set up over your shoulder, and I'll watch the 'trace'. just like at Castlemaine
P.S. Better start thinking about your changing your 'avatar'! The PTA goes in soon..............
James A Kelbly wrote:................people on this board trust your advice due to your abilities and that again is why we take this problem seriously. Maybe some people on here do not trust your motives, but I do not know you and do not know how you are. So I do not pass judgement on to you............
+1, and spoken like a gentleman.
I haven't enjoyed the direction this post has taken, as I dislike anyone's credibility being questioned, especially someone who's posts I have read and enjoyed in the past. I naturally assume that the scope issue originally mentioned by Tony was in good faith. I strongly doubt that he was looking to bring all this flak headed for him. I understand that the products performance was questioned by Tony, which gives others the right to defend or comment on the product. Fair enough. But how that has turned into the current slagfest seems alien on a site I have always enjoyed for it's friendliness, and it's willingness to share experience and advise, both good and bad.
One bright moment of this (for me) has been the posts from James. It's nice to think someone so prominent in the industry would involve himself personally. And with a total lack of aggression.
Now, as for the original post:
I couldn't hit a target at 1k with a laser guided missile, but I reckon if you're having trouble with mirages, aim for the middle one of the three images!
I would be more then willing to be the Independent arbiter in this debacle and more then willing to test the scope at Silverdale for fault such as a shifting zero and I would be more then willing to pass on the findings of such trial.
Sean, you can't be serious. This is not some union dispute or arbitration matter.
Do you really think that you have more expertise at judging whether a scope is faulty or not, compared to the actual people that build them? Come on. The scope has to go back to Japan. Period.
It's not a debacle either. Someone has made a derogatory statement and has now shown the World extreme reluctance to hand over the evidence for proving.
There is of course always the possibility of course that Tony "may have been mistaken" about the reported problem, and a simple apology could fix the whole matter. One can only wonder.
G'day Brendan,
Mate....Tongue in Cheek. I think this whole saga has gone a little too far and no doubt the Possum has been well and truly stirred.....but in saying this, I have 338WM that can push a 300 grn projectile @ app 2500 fps and no doubt it would reveal whether the scope has a problem or not. The last scope I killed was 'Magnum rated' but just remember, we have some very talented people and some who are very special that frequent Silverdale-such as the elusive Yowie Suit Ninja and the 600 yard Rabbit Shooter (a bloke who claims to be able to head shoot Rabbits at 600 yards on the hop with his old Lee Enfield with open sights)
There's nothing complicated about field testing equipment and one certainly doesn't need be an astro physicist.
I was all geared up this year to take on the Fly Shooting fraternity and was able to shoot in a few matches. It is definitely a great fun sport and i can speak for myself that it is for sure that practice and more practice that is required to master the Fly. I had a break the last few months of this year because i just didnt have the time to get out to the matches. I am making it my New Years resolution to get back into it next year and try to get in as much practice as i can.
My Fly rig is a PVM built 6BR with a nightforce 12-42x56 np2 DD reticle. I found this to be a great outfit for a novice shooter such as myself. The 6BR is easy to shoot with negligable recoil and also easy to load. As for scopes, my NF i have no trouble at all seeing 6mm holes at 500m - this must just be my super hero eyesight
Well i hope to see you out on the firing line next year.