Curan - you are making me blush :oops: :oops: :oops: Lewis sold it to me for a great price, so I was more than happy to pass it on accordingly. It's a glorious Sporter specimen (just the one ding, IIRC), made better by Lewis putting the JM spring and seal in it. Having helped to run a Juniors group ...
I'm blushing, curan and Lewis :wink: Creaking bones (plus the new metal ones - my hip and Lesley's knee set off my metal detector!) mean that kneeling and lying prone are just too hard these days, and I'm more than happy to pass stuff on that we no longer use. I found some interesting things when lo...
G'day Lewis, Some post-op muscle problems after the hip replacement make shooting a bit difficult, but it's getting better. I'm looking after Lesley at the moment, after she had a full knee replacement - old age is a bugger :( I may even sell the R9s and the FWB124....... Apart from that, all is goo...
Curan, First time here for months, and I see something that I can do :D I have some good ones that you are welcome to, if you can arrange shipping from Adelaide. I never check PMs here, and only turn up infrequently, so email to will find me. Cheers, Chris Hi Lewis, Amongs...
I guess that I need one, as well. I await the usual email abt dollars. It's really nice to see you still with us, Lewis :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Chris I will have more very soon! They have not been available for many years and was worn out telling customers they were impossible to get. Everyone...