Hi Guys. Haven't done a lot of shooting lately. Built a dining table with Dad. Took about 18 months. Wood is blue gum. DSC_0028 (1).jpg To the Roessler. After trying a few things on cats and foxes and watching them walk away with holes all the way through them instead of killing them on the spot I d...
Anyone read the SSAA article on the roesller 16. Sounded like they were so happy to have a rifle to review that they didn't care that much about giving it a full look over.
Goodly on the most part. Havent shot it a great deal in the paddock but put a bit of range time in on it. Would not buy the titan 16 again. Its a pain undoing the screw that holds the bolt handle to the bolt. Scared im going to get a case jammed and not be able to extract bolt. At the range i have b...
I have been using 130 gr berger hunting and 120 target boattail in the 6.5 x 47 and they group better than 16mm 5 shot groups. Have any you guys got experience using bergers for hunting, and i not interested in how vlds go as they arnt hunting rounds.
Wow thats an absolutely brilliant looking stock. I am a nc machinist so know time and imagination it takes to make such a part. Well done. How does the finsh with the cerakote look with naked eye? Did you polish aluminium first or does it atill have milling marks?